XD and Photography

A camelia reaching for the sky.
A camelia reaching for the sky.

I have been working to improve my photography. While a camera takes great pictures on automatic, this year I would like to be able to take pictures beyond the basics. As I have been learning, I have been observing connections between experience design and photography.

For example, the principles used in creating great photographs include things like using contrast, brightness, and visual weight can direct a person where to focus on a picture. These same principles can be used when laying out a window or page in a software application. We sometimes speak of them using different terminology, but the underlying human factors are the same.

Working on photography has also given me insights into some of the long-running debates in our field. One of the debates is whether a developer can also be a designer. Some suggest that by diving in to the technology, it is hard to also focus on making things work well for the people who will use a product. But in photography, one person must be capable of mastering both creative and technical aspects. The photographer must see the desired result and have the ability to deliver that result. When you scale up to a very large team, specialists are often needed. People take on roles like developer, designer, writer, tester, marketer, and so on. While that usually works pretty well, sometimes as we specialize we put up barriers that keep us from communicating effectively and  get in the way of creating great experiences.

I mentioned before the importance of everyone on a team having some core skills like the ability to observe people, tell stories and brainstorm effectively. Add to that list the ability to improvise and the need for a mix of technical and creative skills. When we get well rounded people who can design and communicate with each other, we get the ability to create and deliver great experiences.

In the Ten Faces of Innovation, Tom Kelley covers ten of the roles people may take on in a project regardless of their job title. He includes roles like experimenter, storyteller, and cross-pollinator.

My recommendation is to learn skills beyond your job title. While you should focus on the things that you do best, by learning other skills you are better prepared to contribute to the team. If you manage people, provide opportunities for people to cross-trained in both creative and technical aspects so that they can better understand and communicate with each other.

I hope you are enjoying the photos I include on this site. I am practicing and hopefully getting better. What are your thoughts about the connections between photography and experience design? Do you think a person can be both technical and creative? What skills have you learned that have helped you deliver great experiences? Leave a comment and share your story.

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